Jimmy Hunter former BTHA chairman loses his fight with cancer

I am very sad to report the passing of one of the toy trade’s truly one-offs. Jimmy Hunter passed away yesterday his fight with cancer finally over. I first met Jimmy and his wife Lynn, when they came as my guests to the BTHA annual dinner at the Hilton Park Lane in the seventies. Jimmy was working for a Scottish toy company, but it wasn’t long before Jimmy founded his own toy company – Hunter Toys.

He had a long association with the B.T.H.A. and was its Chairman in 2000/2001. Jimmy was immensely proud of the fact that he believed he was the first Chairman to be appointed from a small family toy business. He was a fantastic fund raiser for the Association that included Jimmy running the London Marathon.

His lasting legacy for the B.T.H.A. is the fact that Jimmy created the ‘Golden Teddy’ awards. It was his brainchild, believing that in addition to the very worthwhile ‘Lifetime Achievement‘ awards that there should be a recognition in the industry for all those people who had worked in the toy trade for many years, perhaps without major recognition – hence the Golden Teddy award was created The first three being awarded in May 2001

Jimmy was a great Leicester City football fan and was ecstatic when they won the Premiership title in 2016.

With his wonderful Scottish accent, Jimmy was always great company. We had many happy times and I well remember our attendance at a toy trade seminar in Pasadena organized by the American toy association in early 2000.

To wife Lynn, daughter Sally and son Richard on behalf of all our readers we offer our sincere condolences.

Malcolm Naish

Toys ‘n’ Playthings Chairman

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