Malcolm Naish, Chairman of Toys ‘n’ Playthings and long time Fence Club member reports on Saturday nights Christmas Ball, where The Fence Club and toy industry came together to raise a lot of money (over £22,000 and counting at this time), enjoy fine food and well, have a ball!
What a night we all had at the Fence Club’s annual Christmas Ball at the Hilton Metropole, Edgeware Road.
2023 saw the Club move from the Marriott Grosvenor Square after many years to the Metropole. Last year there were a few minor teething problems, but by golly 2024 saw a brilliant event with over 300 partygoers having an absolute ball.
The toughest job of all for Ian Dayus and Frankie Lisle was organising this fab evening and they excelled beyond belief.
The pre-Dinner drinks area was a winter wonderland with Christmas Trees dotted around the area, giving us a pre-taste of how the ballroom would look.
On entering the ballroom then – WOW – it was pure magic.
“2024 has seen the Club raise over £150,000 plus sending almost 100 pallets of toys to these most deserving recipients”

Our Charity Secretary – Joe Kissane – made his usual heart-felt speech describing the Fence Club’s charity work and we all watched on the two giant screens the humbling videos taken at some of the schools for the disabled children we raise funds for and send toys to at Christmas.
2024 has seen the Club raise over £150,000 plus sending almost 100 pallets of toys to these most deserving recipients.
Chairman Derek Scott of Ravensburger gave a stirring speech with some very well chosen words, reminding us how lucky we are in this troubled world.
Joe and Hon. Secretary Steve Wells made two splendid presentations to two gentlemen who have gone well beyond in their fund raising efforts for the club. Phil Green’s son Martyn Green has for several years been completing several runs and walks for us and in the process raising thousands of pounds.
Colin Lisle has just returned from his epic cycle ride in Cuba, looking extremely fit and tanned and in the process has raised to date over £31,000 and still growing.
Colin told me that there is no truth in the rumour that he plans to climb Mount Everest next year!
The entertainment began with a couple of gentlemen, one of whom was mingling with the waiters as if he was the manager, soon followed by the head chef in all his chef’s gear.
Of course as soon as they began speaking in an Italian broken English, their superb opera voices belted out some great favourites. Soon joined by a third gent, the three were great value for money, having the entire 300+ guests dancing the Conga through the tables and really set the party tone for the evening.

2024 was the first year that the Club sought sponsorship, so step forward
Lee Veitch of Super Awsome for providing the pre-dinner bubbly.
Jason Turner from Sky Media – the pre-dinner decorations and the table decorations that were all sold to the diners, raising even more cash.
Charlie Tiptaft and Misha Piasecka Clarke of Precise Media – Paid for all the raffle prizes, chosen for the club by Sarah Dayus.
John Hutt of HTI who generously paid for the band, that had every one rocking until 1 a.m.
Kiera Maguire of Venatus sponsored the media auction
And finally to Lisa Morgan of Generation Media for co-ordinating these splendid contributions.
We were also treated to some great traditional music from the Royal Airforce marching band
So there we were all 300 plus waving our Union Jacks
Steve Wells did an expert job in running the Auction that saw a week-end for two at two top West End hotels being bid for by Richard Keel and Colin Lisle.
As I’ve said many times in the past, there is no business like the toy business, that sees it’s stars not only raising cash, but having the time of their lives at our Christmas Party.
Bring it on.