The Entertainer has launched an educational blog aimed at guiding parents and families through the challenges of parenthood and bringing children up. 

Launched with more than 70 articles and counting, it’s broken down into four key sections, taking in parenting, family, buying advice and activities.

The first will offer tips and advice to parents on bringing up children; the second at ways of developing strong bonds within the family; the buying advice will give lists of toys to help make informed choices over educational suitability and age appropriate toys; the final area will suggest projects and things families can do together. 

It will work with experts as well as offering edicational tools. 

Lead copywriter at The Entertainer Heather Aqel said: “At The Entertainer, we celebrate that every child is different, and understand that no two children will require the same parenting methods. With so much information available, we appreciate that it can be difficult to navigate parenting and hope that our new blog will provide targeted advice that helps parents and guardians with children of all ages to raise a happy, healthy family.”

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