The viral video, which aired over the Bank Holiday weekend, was a natural partnership following regular Cozy Coupe appearances in a selection of the Youtube family’s most famous videos – including one viral video that saw LadBaby take his little boy through a make-shift drive-through in the classic toy car. The latest video featured Mark surprising wife Rox with a giant custom-made Cozy Coupe, after telling her she had a brand-new car waiting for her in the garage.

The video was shared across the LadBaby Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube channels, and to date has received over 3million views, and over 200,000 shares, comments and reactions across all videos. In the video, the fun-loving mum and dad duo give reference to the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe being the UK’s best-selling car. Fans of the comedy family took to the comments to share their delight, with some expressing their desire to see a life-size version put on the market to buy for themselves!

Michelle Lilley, head of marketing at Little Tikes UK said: “When we heard that Mark & Rox were fans of the brand, we couldn’t wait to start working with them. Encouraging families to get out and play is at the core of what we do at Little Tikes, and to work on a fun prank to get one of the best comedy families outside and playing was great.

We’re currently enjoying strong sales across our outdoor lines as families buy early to ensure they’re fully equipped for the summer months ahead. We know the British weather can be unpredictable but we’re noticing people snapping up big outdoor items much earlier, ensuring they are prepared for the sunnier days ahead.”

With everything from water tables, slides, playhouses, walkers to the brand-new T-Rex Truck and Growing Garden ranges – there really is something for every child to enjoy this summer. 

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