Nine intrepid Fence Club walkers headed out to Normandy for this years Fence Club Chairmans Challenge. The team included the Chairman, Vice Chairman, next yrs Vice Chair and three past Chairman. The route started at Omaha Beach American Cemetery and finished 29km later at the New British Memorial at Gold Beach. “We may not have conquered the beaches with the impact of 79 years ago, but we certainly felt the history and camaraderie” Over the whole weekend many historical sights were visited and much respect was paid to those who kept us free. Of course it was mainly for the children. A huge thank you to all those who donated in support of this years challenge. Chairman Simon Anslow commented “My year as Chairman is almost at an end. I couldn’t have thought of a better way of completing my term. Thank you for everyone’s support”
“My year as Chairman is almost at an end. I couldn’t have thought of a better way of completing my term. Thank you for everyone’s support”
Fence Club Chairman Simon Anslow
If you would like to donate to this worthy cause where all money donated goes to children very much in need, click the link https://www.justgiving.com/fenceclub and use the reference ‘Walk’