Since Disney’s animated feature film “Lilo & Stitch” debuted in 2002, Stitch has captured fans’ imaginations with his endearing character, boundless energy and capacity for mischief. Now, after months of teasers and rumours, the live action remake has an official release date – 23 May 2025. Not too long to wait then!
On the toy front, Gill Archer, VP hardlines at Disney consumer products, said: “With the live action ‘Lilo & Stitch’ movie announced to a fantastic fan reaction, there is plenty of opportunity to continue being adventurous with product. I am particularly excited about the potential in the toy space and look forward to seeing Stitch reach new heights in licensing. His playful and inclusive personality promises a wealth of opportunities yet to be discovered.
“Social media has been key to spreading the love for Stitch. 626 Day in particular has become a calendar moment for celebrating Stitch fandom and encouraging people to embrace Stitch’s values of celebrating your differences; and it’s a key retail moment.
“Disney Consumer Products’ licensed strategy is centred around this sense of fun. Examples include Lego Disney Stitch. With the live action ‘Lilo & Stitch’ movie announced, there is plenty of opportunity to continue being adventurous with product.”